[innovate to REcon]
[Investment Management] [Real Estate Advisory]
[Economic Consulting] [Equity Research]
[Business Valuation] [Accountancy]
[Impact Fees] [E.I.R.]
Affiliated REcon offers a wide array of specialized consulting and advisory services designed for clients requiring unparalleled attention to their specific investment needs one client at a time. We achieve an elevated level of specialized research efforts through the use of highly educated scientific staff with a validated sense of econometrics affording each endeavor a defensible direction. Our experience with regulatory agencies including local, state, and federal allows us to efficiency conduct directly for the client or on behalf of the client for the public entity.
We continue to strive for our growing list of private and public clients.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”
Charles Darwin